Category: GRUNDFOS

Dengan pompa air pendorong baru GRUNDFOS SCALA 2, tekanan air yang sempurna akhirnya tersedia dalam satu unit all-in-one. Sekarang anda dapat menikmati kemewahan dan kenyamanan shower secara semprna setiap saat sepanjang hari bahkan ketika kelurga anda menggunakan banyak keran lain Read more…

NS adalah pompa sentrifugal yang dirancang untuk mentransfer air pada instalasi rumah tangga, industri kecil dan irigasi pertanian. Body dan motor pompa terbuat dari cast iron yang tahan terhadap korosi baik pada permukaan dalam maupun luar. Impeller pompa NS, terbuat Read more…

SB adalah pompa pendorong submersible yang dirancang untuk memompa air bersih untuk aplikasi rumah tangga dan air hujan. Pompa ini tidak berisik ketika terendam dan karena itu merupakan alternatif tanpa suara ke permukaan pompa dipasang. SB dibuat dari bahan komposit Read more…

Grundfos AG pumps are designed for pumping wastewater, sludge-containing water, groundwater, and sewage, equipped with a cutter system which cuts all destructible solids into small pieces. Applications Wastewater Industry Pump Designs Submersible wastewater pumps Technical Data Head max : 68 Read more…

Description Subersible Grundfos Drainage Pumps (DP) cover a motor range of 0.9-2.6kW. The pumps are fitted with a semi-open multi-vane capable of handling solids up to 10 mm size. Applications Submersible waste water pumps Technical Data Head max : 10.5 Read more…

Description Submersible Grundfos SE/SL swage pumps (9-30 kW) are fitted with either S-tube or SuperVortex impeller (SLV). The free passage through the pump varies from 75-125 mm depending on size. Application Wastewater Pump Design Submersible wastewater pumps Technical Data Head Read more…

Description Grundfos DWK dewatering pumps are designed with an enclosed Semi-open or supervortex, free-flow impeller for use in a wide range of building and industrial applications. Range is 0-75-90 kW. Applications Wastewater Pump Designs Submersible wastewater pumps Technical Data Head Read more…

Description Grundfos DPK drainage pumps are designed with an enclosed, semi-open or SuperVortex, free-flow impeller for use in many building and industrial applications. Range is 0.75-22 kW Application Wastewater Pump Designs Submersible wastewater pumps Technical Data Head max : 59.2 Read more…

Description Grundfos UNILIFT CC pumps are single-stage submersible pumps designed for pumping clean, non-aggresive water and slightly dirty (grey) wastewater. Capable of pumping down to 3 mm water level. The pumps have both a top and a side outlet allowing Read more…

Description Submersible Grundfos Drainage Pumps (DP) cover a motor range of 0.9-2.6 kW. The pumps are fitted with a semi open multi-vane impeller capable of handling solids up to 10 mm in size. Applications Wastewater Pump Designs Submersible wastewater pumps Read more…

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